Blog #8

Blog #8

Design Instructional Dynamic Model

Bloom’s Taxonomy

PowerPoint is a widely used tool in all aspects of education. It aligns fairly well with Bloom’s Taxonomy. The first level is ‘remember’, which is recalling basic concepts and facts. PowerPoints are a great way to list key concepts and easy for students to be able to go back and learn these more in depth. The next level is ‘understand’, which is explaining and describing these concepts. PowerPoint gives plenty of space for concepts to be explicitly described. Next level is ‘apply’. This is really the only level I see difficult for PowerPoint to be able to execute. This section is used to solve and interpret information. It may be hard to use this platform to solve, but I am not an expert so maybe there are way to complete this level as well. The next two levels are ‘analyze’ and ‘evaluate’ but both a widely used in PowerPoint. You can draw connections among concepts (analyze) and use these connections to evaluate the conclusions (evaluate). Lastly, create. PowerPoints has many creative ways in order to design and construct different projects.


The WebQuest assignment was a very cool assignment that I thoroughly enjoyed creating. I have experience creating a website for one of my high school classes, so this wasn’t new territory for me. But it was a great refresher on creating websites which will definitely be useful for the future. For next time, I would want to elaborate more on the material I provide and be more creative with making the website relatable to the younger generation.

Peer’s Post

I commented on Hayley’s Blog (2/26), and Morgan’s Blog (2/26).


  1. Your WebQuest was super cool and helpful! It looks like you put a lot of thought into it and I could definitely take some pointers to add to mine for the future! As for Bloom's Taxonomy, we discussed very similar things and it helped me to check my own work. Great blog post!

  2. Your WebQuest looks absolutely amazing! I love the designs you used in it and I'm sure the students would have an amazing time with it. I love the concept of making it relatable to the students and it's definitely something I need to work on. What a creative way to increase motivation. Great job!

  3. You're quite right about PowerPoint- it is such a helpful tool for presentations, and it can easily be used to align with Bloom's taxonomy for student learning. I love your WebQuest! It looks so fun!

  4. Mallory,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I agree with your idea that PowerPoint and Bloom's Taxonomy line up very well. I also agree that I wish I would have made my WebQuest more elaborate and personalized.
    Great Job!

  5. Hi Mallory!
    I loved the way in which you went through each of Bloom's Taxonomy criteria, it helped to illustrate your point very well! I also utilized the image you provided in order to reflect upon my lesson plan :) I also totally agree with you on the Webquest assignment, I hav learned those skills in the past as well. Great post! - Liz

  6. Hey Mallory! I liked your blog post this week. Your interpretation of the DID model was very well made, your standards were made very clearly and you put in a lot of detail. I also LOVE your website you made for the Web Quest assignment, it's adorable! I liked how you commented on making your content inclusive to younger age groups, technology is developing so rapidly that kids are going to have to become technologically literate at earlier ages so making content accessible to them will help them earn those skills!

  7. Hi Mallory. I think your use of powerpoint is such a great way to teach and engage your students while adhering to blooms taxonomy stages. I also love the look and layout of your website! It's so cute and really well put together!

  8. Hey Mallory! I absolutely love your webquest design. I feel like while the webquest should be informative it should also be something teachers should have fun with. That's the best way to stay relatable to the students.


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